According to Report the number of children and teens who ages between 6 to 18 prescribed records of more than 5 million commercially insured individuals appears diabetes or high blood pressure to have increased between 2004 to 2007.

In the report said the increasing 15.2 percent, from 3.3 per 1,000 youths in November 2004 to 3.8 per 1,000 youths in June 2007 who were prescribed medications for hypertension (high blood pressure), dyslipidemia (abnormal cholesterol) or diabetes (including insulin) in children and teens. Especially in the younger age group, indicates either an increased awareness of treatment needs or increased incidence of cardiovascular risk factors typically associated with adult populations.

The decrease in treatment of dyslipidemia may reflect the ongoing controversy regarding statin When assessed separately, cholesterol-controlling therapy was uncommon (prescribed to 0.2 per 1,000 youths overall) and declined 22.9 percent during the study report.

It is totally dangers to coming generation, if children and teens suffering from diabetes and blood pressure. I think lack of awareness is the main reason for this types of disease. Some physical exercise and daily routine of life may reduce in these disease. We prefers some medical equipments and blood pressure equipment to help to take test himself also.

the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine reports "While the potential for misuse of these medications remains, the same, it will be important to collect data in an ongoing manner to monitor use of these medications but also to identify appropriateness of use and ultimate reduction of risk factor levels in children and adolescents".

According to a new survey report of American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) foot problems such as bunions, corns and dry, cracked skin affect many americans suffering daily, specially ailment, heel pain. In the American Podiatric Medical Association report said, 39 percent of adult have experienced heel pain more than any other foot ailment withing the last one year which polled close to 420 americans aged 18 or more than 18 years. Nearly 60 percent of respondents believed they suffered heel pain while wearing ill-fitting footwear. While 64 percent of respondents said they had not yet visited a medical professional -- such as a podiatrist -- to diagnose and treat their heel pain. This is the current year report.

Millions of Americans every day facing foot pain and kind is not normal as well as heel pain is a detrimental foot ailment. In a survey report 16 percent americans regularly experience heel pain. Wearing shoes that fit well, wearing the proper shoes for each activity, not wearing shoes with excessive or uneven worn heels or soles, and stretching foot and ankle muscles properly before exercising are several ways to avoid heel pain.

Surgical India provides a well quality surgical equipments and Each medical condition requires a special set of surgical medical instruments. Some instruments may be common others are specialized, for a specific purpose. The disposable, single use instruments are most preferred as they offer best quality edges and hygiene.

Foot pain is experienced drastically improves the chance of finding a solution for heel pain. Podiatric physician said that medicine for heel pain is not proper solution, medicine can give relief for few times. At first waring the proper shoes for each activity and excise of heel then save your foot.